Sidou to boryoku no sakaimewa? sportsniokeru pawaharanintei
What is the threshold between coaching and violence? – how to find a harassment in sports
Kentaro Sekiya, Businesshoumu, Vol.18/No.3 (2018)
Nichibeiniokeru eigyohimitu wo meguru saikinno houkisei no jyokyo
Recent regulations regarding trade secrets in Japan and U.S.
Kentaro Sekiya et al.,Business law journal, Vol.104 (2016)
Higoronotorihikkanriga meianwowakeru saimuseiri no jyunintuuti wo jyuryousitasai no taioupoint
How to deal with the letter of debt-workout
Kentaro Sekiya et al., Junkankeirijouhou Vol. 1414 (2015)
Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association Legal Research Institute
– Bankruptcy Law Study Group