News and Events


In 2019, Tokei lawyers lectured at various seminars.

Shimma on “marikarijikentou no saikin no jirei wo tujite kangaeru burando/seihindezain no mamorikata” (Protection of brands & product designs suggested by the case study of Marikari  case and other recent cases)

at the 2019 LexisNexis Japan/Business Law journal Seminar


Murao and Shimma on “chosakuken no jitsumujou no shomondai ni tsuite (dezain,inyou, kikaigakushu ni kansuru kaiseitou” (On Practical Issues of Copyright (Revisions concerning Design, Quotation and Machine Learning)

at the 2019 INCA Seminar


Shimma on “hanreikara manabu DXjidai no sisutemukaihatutoraburu wofusegu chie : sofutouea kaihatu funsou  hanreikennkyukai seikahoukoku No.1” (Wisdom to prevent system development troubles in the age of DX learned from the study of legal cases)

at the 2019 SOFTIC Seminar